Social Media Management
Social Media is a blessing and a curse. Having a platform where you can reach your audience with a click of a button is more than anyone could have hoped for 30 years ago, but reaching that audience has become more competitive than the average user is prepared for. Putting out content is important, but putting out the right content in the right way is paramount.
Deciding whether or not to hire help for social media management can be a difficult decision. You likely already have an account and have been posting to it already. Where hired help can be most useful is in telling you the pieces you are missing. Maybe you need custom ads audiences created so you can target your content better. Maybe you need someone to manage posting altogether so you can move on to more pressing things. Social Media presence can be scored, and at the end of the day, anything that can be measured can be improved.
Managing several accounts can be overwhelming. At FMS, we are trained in Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, and more – meaning less time learning for you, and more time strategizing the next piece of content. We also make sure to upload all of your relevant content to your website blog so that you’re not missing out on SEO improvement opportunities. The content itself is important, but how you use that content might be even more so.